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Volume One

An anthology of verse commemorating the men and women who served in any war of liberation. This includes but isn't limited to the two Great Wars. The entry should have a note about the war being referenced unless the poem has a generic tone to it.


You can encompass first person points of view or that of a family member and its effect on them, honour someone who lost their life in service or one of the many surviving veterans. What was it like to be a nurse? a war photographer? in the ambulance brigade? on the front lines facing the enemy? an entertainer touring military camps? under fire in a submarine? in an airplane? caught in a gas raid? go into hiding to avoid being captured?


This anthology aims to encompass the broadest scope of war possible but with the use of sound discretion. Its purpose is to remember, honour and provide insight but not to traumatize the reader. The contest will be open to all with submissions accepted from July 31st to August 31st, 2019. DO NOT submit before the contest opens or after it closes - it will be disregarded (and any submission fee you made will not be refunded).


Publication is targeted for mid-October, available in time for Remembrance Day.

If the anthology has good participation this will become an annual Volume Series


See Submission Guidelines for more detail.




THE LIVING DEAD Quarterly  read more about it HERE

Submissions for The Living Dead Quarterly are free and open to anyone writing in English, however, there are guidelines to follow. Please follow the link to learn more about this exciting new venture!

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