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SkyWing Novels


Milton Side; From North to South Series - Book One by Ronda Wicks Eller

ISBN 978-0-9809335-9-8 


284 pages; glossy coloured, perfect-bound, 6" x 9" paperback

contains chapter index, introduction, story, appendix , character index, and supplementary information

adult rated

appends to the 1855 novel 'North and South' by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, which is out of copyright and in the public domain; it does NOT include mental property owned through adaptations of 'North and South' produced by the BBC in 1975 or 2004.


Print run SUSPENDED pending revision to a general audience content book. If you bought one of these uncut versions you now own a rare gem! ;)


"Sometimes getting to the altar is harder than you expect. This is the experience of John Thornton and Margaret Hale, who  have reconciled love and anticipate their forthcoming marriage but encounter family members attempting to execute other ideas.
They aim to hobble John through a serving of public humiliation on multiple levels that will blindside both of them while requiring others to claim their alliances. If the connivers succeed, John's self-image, social image and fifteen years of striving to achieve and maintain esteem as a Milton manufacturer among the middling class will come crashing down, and every encumbrance John and Margaret conquered when coming to terms with the depth of their love will be for naught.


If you ever wondered where your next life challenge was coming from or why you were being hit with so many so fast, you'll understand the angst caught up in John and Margaret's rapidly evolving paradigm and revel in their small triumphs as the tenacity of love is put to exacting tests. Will they make it to their wedding day? Every alteration is a baby step and a giant leap in one direction or the other!"


Love, Lies and Adaptation; From North to South Series, Book Two

ISBN 978-1-9990964-1-0

292 pages; glossy coloured, perfect-bound, 6" x 9" paperback

contains chapter index, story, character index,

and supplementary information

adult rated

appends to Milton Side; From North to South Series - Book One, by Ronda Wicks Eller, ISBN 978-0-9809335-9-8


Print run SUSPENDED pending revision to a general audience content book. If you bought one of these uncut versions you now own a rare gem! ;)

When the fabric of life is wound too tight it’s often hard to know the beginning of the weave from its end. Such is the difficulty Adam Bell meets while trying to weed out the vast deceptions accumulated in his.


Upbringing, social class and traumatic experiences have produced a behavioural complexity that endears others but keeps everyone from getting too close, yet an NDE has set him striving for a familial love he’s never known. His life situation and habits are the axis of his own conundrum. Can his god-daughter Margaret (and others) help him do the soul searching he must, to uncover the self he buried by design? Can they overcome the fallout of his revelations while family rivals try new angles that actively threaten their new family core?


The reader will easily relate to Adam’s “what if” questions as he takes stock of his past, his regrets, grief and coming to terms while savouring the rewarding moments of faith, self-acknowledgment, affirmation and family support. The fabric may be embedded in time’s grittiness but with patience its precious weave waits to be made new.



For Adam's Sake; From North to South Series, Book Three

ISBN 978-1-9990964-2-7 


285 pages; glossy coloured, perfect-bound, 6" x 9" paperback

contains chapter index, story, appendix , character index, and supplementary information

adult rated

appends to Love, Lies and Adaptation; From North to South Series - Book Two, by Ronda Wicks Eller, ISBN 978-1-9990964-1-0


Print run SUSPENDED pending revision to a general audience content book. If you bought one of these uncut versions you now own a rare gem! ;)

How do you unscramble scrambled eggs? A question the Bell-Thornton-Donaldson family must answer when they uncover reasons why they're union is an issue heavily rooted in history. 


Only Adam Bell can get it sorted and injuries abound, but so does hope. Adam keeps integrating his new family sense but also meets romantic love head-on, to his own surprise. He's a conundrum of emotion and analysis that threatens to pull him into old habits but people need his intellect and savvy to push through. Can he lay old ghosts to rest and have someone he holds dear charged with murder, or will his ingrained  sense of inadequacy and failure  become his nemesis? Claiming the love and affection due him has left his family horribly exposed to treachery while he strives for a remedy.


Be prepared to enjoy Adam's twisted antics, weep compassionately for losses and cheer him on as he tries to discern when to keep his hands on the wheel of life and when to let the universe rule its outcome, a struggle we all encounter. The eggs are falling, scrambled into one basket, as the real sorting begins. 




A Family Divided; From North to South Series, Book Four

ISBN 978-1-9990964-2-7 


274 pages; glossy coloured, perfect-bound, 6" x 9" paperback

contains chapter index, story, appendix , character index, and the most comprehensive section of supplementary information for all of the first four books

adult rated

appends to For Adam's Sake; From North to South Series - Book Three, by Ronda Wicks Eller,

ISBN 978-1-9990964-1-0


Print run SUSPENDED pending revision to a general audience content book. If you bought one of these uncut versions you now own a rare gem! ;)

"This is the priest all shaven and shorn..." are words to a song Adam Bell sings at the start of a long overdue reunion. Indeed, it reflects the nature of his most recent character incarnation but trouble is heading home to roost - the worst yet. His family complex has been welcomed back into the greater fold only to discover a real danger lurks outside it, or is it inside?


Action revs and nerves become frayed when Adam and his fiancée get entangled with government spies, mercenaries, dirty lawyers and long lost friends in an effort to rescue the whole family from entrapment while spiritual and ethical questions are factored in. As the sins of the parents play out in the lives of their children, can anything avert the threat of pending disaster?


If you ever asked "why me?" or wondered if you were the scapegoat for someone else's misadventures, you'll understand the family's embedded frustration peppered by essential comic relief as Hannah Thornton warns "There will be harm regardless" and  Uncle Roger Beresford rallies "I'm the dog that worried the cat... that lived in the house that Jack built"!


BOOK FIVE?  It's also in the works!

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